Monday, April 16, 2012

Notre Dame Football Update: Rumors, Rumors, Rumors

A lot of rumor and intrigue surround the Notre Dame football program currently. Irish Sports News attempts to sort out each (John Goodman, Louis Nix, Quarterbacks, NFL Draft, Coaches Clinic Scrimmage) to find some truth about this spring.

John Goodman
Goodman appears to the best wide receiver on Notre Dame's roster. Could this possibly be true? Maybe. He has always been fast (see Washington State highlight).

However, he has never been consistent catching the football. With his career coming to a close, a sense of urgency has pushed Goodman to becoming more consistent. Will Goodman be effective this fall or will he be another Spring Ball hero?

Louis Nix
@IrishChocolate9: "Still at ND...blah" is what Notre Dame Nose Guard Louis Nix stated on Monday night following a day of rumor about him leaving for Florida. Paranoia is at work here more than anything. Following Lynch's departure, it is natural to think, "Who is next?" Nix's comment is probably more annoyance about the public backlash following the rumors. If this had happened in a vacuum, without the Lynch situation, fans probably would not think twice.

"Don't shoot the messenger." However, Tommy Rees is the leader in the clubhouse. If asked following the Champs Sports Bowl, Rees seemed to have zero chance to start. He also appeared to have zero ability to run. However, according to several reports, that might be changing somewhat. This spring, Rees has shown an ability to escape and gain at least a few yards. More importantly, the other three Quarterbacks have not been able to do anything to unseat Rees. Hendrix, who may have had the inside track, has not been impressive according to reports. The best report is that he does not make the same mistake twice. Golson is inconsistent and not a good decision maker. Kiel has not yet adjusted to the speed of college football. Therefore, it appears to be Rees by default.

NFL Draft
Mel Kiper and Todd McShay have Michael Floyd going 13th in the 2012 NFL Draft to Arizona. McShay also has former Notre Dame safety Harrison Smith being selected by the Baltimore Ravens with the 29th pick. If both players are selected in the first-round, it would be the first time since 1994 when Bryant Young, Aaron Taylor and Jeff Burris were picked. NFL Network's Charles Davis has Floyd going 8th to the Dolphins. Other publications have Floyd as high as 7th to Jacksonville. It appears Floyd could go anywhere from the 7th overall selection to the 19th overall selection. Smith is a late first-round to early second round selection.

Here is a good look at the scrimmage from the Notre Dame's Coaches Clinic:

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