Saturday, April 21, 2012

Blue-Gold Game Observations

Today, Notre Dame Stadium hosted the 83rd annual Blue-Gold game. Irish Sports News over analyzes every little detail from the game.

Irish Quarterbacks "Go Live"
It was interesting that Brian Kelly will allow the Quarterback to be hit and allow blitzing. This should be a better evaluation than a normal Spring Game would. This game should tell fans more than a regular game because it will be a real game scenario.

Gunner Honors Blair
Gunner Kiel swapped #1 for Everett Golson's #5 to honor his Uncle, former Notre Dame QB Blair Kiel who died earlier this month.

Andrew Hendrix
On his touchdown throw, Hendrix read the CB blitz and threw a rocket to All-American TE candidate Tyler Eifert. It was a great combination of reading of the defense and using his arm strength to find the receiver. On his next possession, he overthrew a wide open Alex Welch.

Tommy Rees
Rees' first two possessions were a three-and-out and an interception on a throw that was clearly forced. In the third series, Rees was up and down. Rees' first designed run went for one yard. His fade throw was under thrown to Daniels and another to Smith on the following play.

Everett Golson
Golson moved the ball down the field but committed a turnover on his first possession. On his second possession, Golson moved the offense down inside the ten yard line. During this drive, the Offense used two timeouts and did not seem to flow well.

Theo Riddick
Riddick was utilized several times in screens and motion. He demonstrated that he has the quickness and the ability to be featured in the offense.

Nick Martin
Sophomore Linemen Nick Martin received the started at the Right Guard position. Martin is in competition with Mike Golic and Christian Lombard.

Unforced Errors
Notre Dame's Offense committed three turnovers in the first half (two fumbles and one interception).

George Atkinson III
Despite Atkinson's fumbles, Atkinson demonstrate strength and explosiveness that will get him on the field this fall. Late in the 2nd half, Atkinson broke the tackle of Ishaq Williams and then made about half of the team miss. He demonstrated a great ability to catch the ball. He simply needs to take care of the football.

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